$1.49 Buy It Now or Best Offer
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Seller Store 1or2zippdoublebang7
(9271) 99.4%,
Location: Potsdam, New York, United States
Ships to: US,
Item: 192862840429
Condition:Ungraded – Near mint or better: Not in original packaging or professionally graded
Seller Notes:“aLL bASe NYYankees & /70 /570 /999 + PuRPL ChROMe R LiStd iN R2 Separate & SiMiLAR Auctions d2)… … Read moreabout the seller notes“aLL bASe NYYankees & /70 /570 /999 + PuRPL ChROMe R LiStd iN R2 Separate & SiMiLAR Auctions d2)… Check Here 4 Over 2Oo+ SP/SSP VARiAtiONS iNCLudiNG: 1. LOw#/hiGh# LEGENds & ROokie SuPeRSt*RS #1-5Oo & 2. RARE Variations such aS: bLaCk bORdR (SSP/5o), Wal-mart Retail Exclusive CLOTH iSsues, FRENCH TEXT, ACTION, ERROR, TEAM NAME, CCR, ECCR, haNd#d tO /99, & Even a Quad ReLiC CLUBHOUSE COLLECTION, featuring uh Wide Variety uh ‘GAMe uSed’ COLORfuL JeRSeY PatCheS, StRiPed JeRSey PatChes & EVEN baSebaLL bat ReLiCs! !! … Th’ 2o19 tOPPS hERITAGE Set haS aLMOSt toO MaNY EXtRaS tO COuNt! MaNY MORe iNSeRtS R featuRed iN OuR SePARAte AuCtiONs fOR theM! !! … even uh few tough2find faN favorites from th’ BASE SET R LiStd, fRESH OUTTA th’ WRaPPRs, PHOTOGRAPhd & buNdLd PROTECTIVELY, th’ iteMS LiStd here R PROteCtiVeLY StORRd 4 shipment& ReadY 2 GO… eNJOY th’ thRiLL uh fiNiShN YOuR Set! !! R LiSt uh AVaiLabL OPtiONs iS CONStaNtLY beiNG UPdated, CheCk baCk 4 What YOu R LOokN 4 fReQueNtLY! !! “)” Read Lessabout the seller notes
Card Size:Standard
Set:2019 Topps Heritage
Super Short Print:Auto Autograph Variation
Custom Bundle:No
Player/Athlete:Jacob deGrom, Juan Soto, Mike Trout, Ronald Acuna Jr., Shohei Ohtani
Year Manufactured:2019
CLubhOuSe ReLiC ReLiCS:CCR bat JeRSeY StRiPe ECCR ACtiON iMaGe VaRiatiON
Card Thickness:Various Medium to Thick Range Through Set
Features:ECCR CCR Clubhouse Collection Relic, High Number 401-500, Action French Text Error Team Name Nickname, SP Super Short Print SSP, bLACk bORdeR /50 SSP, RC Rookie Card – All Star Trophy Cup, MiNi /100 SP SSP, Base Set
Team:WashiNGtON Red Sox INdiaNS ANGeLs metS, Atlanta Braves
League:Major League
Player:Trout Acuna Soto Cody Bellinger Ohtani
Topps Heritage Minor League:Minors 1-200 & 201-220 SP RC
RC ROokie Card:aLL StaR ROokie Cup Trophy
Material:Card Stock
Original/Licensed Reprint:Original
CCR & ECCR – abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz:SP baSe – SSP ACtiON – SSSP haNd #-ed tO 99 (/99)
Modified Item:No
additiONaL SuPeRStaRs aVaiLabL::MiGueL CabReRa, deGROM, JuaN SOtO, JOSe aLtuVe
Series:Topps Heritage
Type:Sports Trading Card
MiNOR MaJOR CatChiNG StaRS::MOLiNa, buSteR POSey
Era:Modern (1981-Now)
Mike Trout, Ronald Acuna Jr., Shohei O:Ohtani, Ozzie Albies, Gerritt Gerrit Geritt Cole
Card Number:1-500
Country/Region of Manufacture:United States
Card Manufacturer:Topps
eBay … WELCOME 2 Our 2o19 TOPPS Heritage basebaLL SP SSP Variations Master Auction Page! !! (SeLeCtS iNCLude # 1 – 5Oo fROM th’ 1St SeRieS Set & aLL NY Yankees + /70 /570 /999 & PURPL ChROMe have been Redirected to Separate Auctions, Check that out too…) Clubhouse Collection Relic Cards & Selections from th’ 1-200 & 201-220 SP Minor League Set… You can view whats available & here is how th’ different cards will be organized on th’ ‘scroll down list’: 1-400 Base Set Singles & VARIATIONS 401-500 High # SP Singles & VARIATIONS CCR Clubhouse Collection Relics … ANOtheR AuCtiON haS beeN Set uP EXCLuSiVeLY fOR th’ NY YaNKeeS featuRiNG baSe, hiGh # SP & VARIOUS TEAM THEME SSP (SUPER SHORT PRINT) AuCtiONS… aLSO uhNuhhthR 4 th’ hN hiGh NuMbRs UPdate SeRieS (#5o1 – 7Oo & hhN 7o1 – 725 SP)… See… 2o19 tOPPS heRitaGe GeNeRated uh baSebaLL tReaSuReS tROVe uh COLLeCtR/iNVe$tR hObbY ReNNaiSSaNCe MaStRPi t’th’, LiteRaLLY EVeRYthiNG fROM thiS YeaRS 1St SeRieS (#1-5Oo) PLays uh POWeRfuL ROLe iN th’ OVeRaLL 2o19 ENd teeNS Set… it iS uh fANTaStiC COMMeMORatiON t’th’ 197o deSiGN & itS OWN hiStORiC StORy, WaY baCk 5o yRS uhGO… ONe uh iMMeaSuRabL adVeNtuRe & uh GROWiNG iNteReSt th’ GaMe itSeLf tReMbLd iN uNfathOMabL deLeCtRuM… … &Yet, eVeN uhNOtheR AuCtiON haS beeN Set uP EXCLuSiVeLY fOR RefRACtORS, eveN 4 th’ POSt SeaSON uPdate ‘hiGh NuMbR’ 2Nd SeRieS UPdate oR 2Nd haLf ReLeaSe (& iNCLudiNG th’ additiONaL 2o19 tOOPS heRitaGe MiNORS (#1 – 2Oo & hN 2o1 – 225 SSP ReLeaSe)… both thOSe setS R aN ACtiON PaCkd AdVeNtuRe iN buiLdiNG COMPLete RARE SP iNSeRt Sub-SetS, MaNY VaRiatiONS 2 th’ iNdiViduaL deSiGNS… iN faVORabLY SuRPRiSiNG & UNEXPeCtd WaYS YOuR 2o19 tOPPS heRitaGe baSebaLL Set wiLL GROW uhROuNd YOu thiS YeaR & duhhZeNS uhhh yRS N YRs uh head, fOReVeR fROZeN iN tiMe uh RiSiNG GROuP uh dOZeNS uh… PRiZed ROokies & uLtRaMONStRMiGhtYMeGa SuPeRSt*RS… aS th’ teRRibL teeNS fade w/tReMbLiNG PaW & fRiGhteNd UNCeRtaiNtY & No SOLutiON 4 th’ 2O2o deCade uh diSaStR & diSGRaCe uh head… LuCkiLY, featuRiNG ROokies & SuPeRSt*RS #1 – 4Oo iN itS baSe, sooO toO W/#4o1 – 5Oo iN itS hiGh # SP & (SeeMiNGLY COuNtLeSs iN VaRietY) EXCITING RARE SPP 2o19 tOPPS heRitaGe baSebaLL tReaSuReS, LiteRaLLY EVeRYthiNG thiS YeaRS 2Nd SeRieS (#5o1-725) had 2 ACtiON AdVeNtuRe… That AuCtiON aLSO iNCLudeS th’ fuLL SP SSP + + + SeLeCtiON We caN OffR AVaiLabL fROM th’ 2o19 tOPPS heRitaGe MiNORS SeRieS (#1 – 2Oo, hhN #2o1 – 225 + iNSeRtS)! !! * * * * * ThaNkS4ViSitiNG R AuCtiONS! !! * * * * *
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